Installation pre-requisites
Setup codespaces development environment
curl -L | bash
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm install
cd hasura
cp .env.sample .env
docker run -it -v $PWD/app:/app --entrypoint pnpm asoltys/lnft-server install
docker-compose up -d
hasura migrate apply
hasura metadata apply
hasura seeds apply
hasura metadata reload
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{ "ipfs": { "Paths": ["/ipfs", "/ipns"], "UseSubdomains": false } }'
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "/ip4/"
sudo cp ../static/user.png storage/QmcbyjMMT5fFtoiWRJiwV8xoiRWJpSRwC6qCFMqp7EXD4Z.webp
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs add /export/QmcbyjMMT5fFtoiWRJiwV8xoiRWJpSRwC6qCFMqp7EXD4Z.webp
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli createwallet coinos
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli rescanblockchain
docker restart lapp
cd ..
pnpm dev # site is available at http://localhost:3000/
chmod +x
./ # this script will run continually to mine regtest blocks, you may want to run it in a separate terminal window or tab
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -datadir=/home/elements/.elements sendtoaddress <address> 1 # get <address> from http://localhost:3000/wallet
Setup local development environment
pnpm install
cd hasura
cp .env.sample .env
docker run -it -v $PWD/app:/app --entrypoint pnpm asoltys/lnft-server install
docker-compose up -d
hasura migrate apply
hasura metadata apply
hasura seeds apply
hasura metadata reload
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{ "ipfs": { "Paths": ["/ipfs", "/ipns"], "UseSubdomains": false } }'
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "/ip4/"
sudo cp ../static/user.png storage/QmcbyjMMT5fFtoiWRJiwV8xoiRWJpSRwC6qCFMqp7EXD4Z.webp
docker exec -it ipfs ipfs add /export/QmcbyjMMT5fFtoiWRJiwV8xoiRWJpSRwC6qCFMqp7EXD4Z.webp
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli createwallet coinos
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli rescanblockchain
docker restart lapp
cd ..
pnpm dev # site is available at http://localhost:3000/
chmod +x
./ # this script will run continually to mine regtest blocks, you may want to run it in a separate terminal window or tab
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -datadir=/home/elements/.elements sendtoaddress <address> 1 # get <address> from http://localhost:3000/wallet